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Friday, June 20, 2008

Learning to drive the Lawn Mower

As I watched Jenna teaching Jayme to drive the lawn mower I thought I need to get a picture of this. Jayme learned to mow and Jenna got her excerise running along side of her to help steer. Jordan on the other hand took things all in stride as usual and enjoyed the horses and her dog.

I love seeing them do things together and having fun. I have to admit I enjoyed watching them from the deck and even though the lines in the lawn were crooked....watching my girls was entertaining and fun for me. How blessed I am for all that I have and how precious my time is with them. Losing Jenna this summer will be difficult but know she is doing what she is suppose to do as will Jason when he comes home.

Soon we'll have a new baby in the family, wow, tell me it's all real and not a dream. Where your heart is, there will be your treasure. And my treasure runneth over. Life is sweet even though we all have problems to work through. How blessed I am to have a moment. Hope everyone is enjoying their summer so far. Its time to fire up the grill!

1 comment:

Royal Princess Academy said...

GO MEME!!! Wahooo- good job girl.