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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Kayson, Kayson, Kayson Sharing the Love

One of the things Kayson does when he is here is follows his aunt Meme everywhere. Here he is just wanting to be close to her. You have to love how sweet this picture is.
Jordan getting the same kind of cuddle.
Its so fun to see Kayson with his Aunts. They love him so much and when He leaves everyone feels an empty space for his tenderness. He can make you laugh so hard and then you get a quiet minute like this and you just have to sit back and enjoy it because you know the older they get the less it happens.

Jessica was here doing hair again this last week and Kayson did so good getting his hair cut. He actually had more hair cut off his own head than nanna did on her hair cut. Wow he's sure growing up.
Jessica is such a great Mom and does so well with him.

She works hard keeping her boys looking good. Thanks for all the hair cuts Jess we sure love you!

Spirit, the movie was on and very intense.....nothing better than a movie with mom snuggled up on the couch together. He was actually holding his mom's hand the whole time, which I thought was very cute. Aunts are one thing but his mom is number 1. Make no mistake about it!

Kayson is relaxing in his favorite lay-z-boy chair watching his favorite movie of the week Spirit(for the 4th time)! Maggie seems to have warmed up to him rather well finding her place at the bottom of his feet. She is beginning to get a little protective as she won't let anyone move kayson once she is settled. I think he kind of likes her a bit.


momofbeegees said...

What a little cutie!! I got to see him for a minute while Jessica was cutting my hair...he is adorable! I am amazed that he will sit and watch a movie. My little one doesn't do that. She is toooo busy bossing everyone around! They are at such a fun age!

Kel said...

I'm glad to see he has decided he can cuddle with a "gog" and not just kick it. Now if only I could get him to quit telling me to "Shhhhhh.!"

Belinda Jo Adams said...

I like the phrase on your heading: LIFE IS SWEET, PASS IT ON!