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Saturday, April 19, 2008

April is Donate Life Month

Many times this month I have stopped myself and taken a minute of silence to think about a special family who endured the most difficult decision of donating their son's organs to me 7 years ago. How can anyone express appreciation that would be adequate enough to compensate for such a terrible loss to a family. I can' only imagine how difficult it would be to go through that ordeal. I'm not sure I could have done it.

This month is a great way to talk about Organ Donation and create more awareness of how needed this is. Believe it or not the statics show that even though more organs are being transplanted than ever before, we are still falling behind in saving people. The numbers are increasing and have risen to over 98,000 people now waiting for a transplant.

If your not a organ donor, please reconsider. Many states now have registries to sign up on which make it even better than having it put on your drivers license. Sign up now and make a difference in someones life. Its one of the greastest gifts you can give once your gone. When I stop and think how blessed I've been, having received my 5, I'm just amazed! I never would have seen Jessica, Jason and now Jenna Graduate. I never would have seen Jayme start school. I never would have seen Jason go on a mission or receive his eagle scout award. I never would have seen Jordan enter High school, let alone start driving. I could go on and on telling you of all the things I've been blessed with seeing and participating in. Last week I got to dance with Jenna at her Senior Prom and soon she will leave home to go to college. Jason will return from his mission and Life just keeps getting better and better. With the arrival of Jessica's first baby only a few months away.......can you believe it I'm going to a be a grandpa. WOW!

Any one that knows me knows it hasn't always been easy but is it worth it? How can anyone ask me that question. Yet, I get it all the time.

Its great to be alive, don't you think?

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