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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Today was Baby Shower Day for Jessica

What a great day it was for a baby shower! With so many aunts, uncles and cousins in town for the weekend it was a great time to give Jessica a baby shower. It was great at least what I saw of it. Little outfits and plenty of diapers to boot. She is really getting set up quite well. Thanks to all of her aunts and uncles and cousins that have already provided things like strollers, crib, changing tables, clothes, clothes and more clothes. This kid isn't even here yet and already as more clothes than his grandpa does.

Well we know its a boy and I think the only thing he doesn't have yet, is a motor cross outfit with a helmet to wear......but knowing Bryan its already on lay away. Including the motor cross bike !

He's got the hunting outfit this weekend probably from one of his hunting uncles no less. This being a hunting family and all. (Tammi's family) Bryan is a hunter as well so he fits right in.

Eleven weeks to go Jess says .....I think she can't wait. Back hurting and all, she still sports a cute smile as she watches this little guy make her tummy jump.

It was a great weekend and so happy for Jessica and Bryan .....remember that discussion we had about affording children .....things just happen, blessings happen!

We love having you come home. Personally, I think your mother is enjoying this Jess. Let me know if you start getting things anonymously would you...I may need to check into our credit accounts.

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